Frontend Developer who able to follow directions well and work both in a team and independently
Daftar Sekarang
Perkiraan Gaji
8.000.000 - 10.000.000
IT Consultant
Job Descriptions :
- Build and design web-based applications
- Maintain existing systems or applications
- Conduct testing, troubleshooting, and bug fixing
- Analyse client requests
Programming Skills
- Understand the concepts of OOP, DI, MVC, CRUD, TDD, DDD / Clean Architecture
- Proficient in JavaScript & TypeScript programming languages
- Familiar with using Git as version control
- Experience with Docker is a plus
- Proficient in VueJS/ReactJS using TypeScript
- Proficient in State Management like Pinia, Redux, etc.
- Proficiency in NuxtJS/NextJS is a plus
- Proficiency in NestJS is a plus
- Proficiency in ReactNative is a plus
- Proficient in CSS frameworks like Tailwind, Bootstrap, PrimeVue, PrimeReact
- Capable of integrating Frontend with Backend through APIs
Poin Penting!
Gain valuable experience.
Good career path
Flexible hour
Catatan Tambahan
Assist in creating application documentation reports
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